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Select from 3 of our most popular plans for your zipcode
2 days free per week
100% solar

Reliant Flextra Credits 24 plan

Get your 2 highest-use days a week FREE + $200 in bonus bill credits for extra savings.

Fixed rate
Price protection

Reliant Secure Advantage 24 plan

Straightfoward plan with a locked-in energy charge.

For renters
Popular in your area

Reliant Apartment 12 plan

Designed exclusively for smaller spaces.

2 Months

Pricing Details

500 kWh
1,000 kWh
2,000 kWh

Early cancellation fee

Plan Features

Pricing Details

500 kWh
1,000 kWh
2,000 kWh

Early cancellation fee

*Average Price per kWh assumes noted usage per month and specific LP&L Delivery Charges (i.e., Residential Service or Residential Distributed Renewable Generation Service). For additional information regarding plan pricing and other terms, please see the Electricity Facts Label, on the Plan Details page. Price shown is for new customers only.
Earn bill credits at the wholesale electricity price
Earn bill credits at the wholesale electricity price
Earn bill credits at the wholesale electricity price

Earn bill credits at the wholesale electricity price

ZIP is required
Earn bill credits at the wholesale electricity price
Earn bill credits at the wholesale electricity price

Earn bill credits at the wholesale electricity price

ZIP is required

A solar buyback plan that's a perfect match

Make the most of your solar power with the Reliant Solar Payback Match plan

Get more from your solar panels

Sign up for the Solar Payback Match plan and:

  • Earn unlimited bill credits at the wholesale electricity price when your solar panels generate excess energy and return it to the power grid1
  • Get bill credits automatically applied to your monthly Reliant bill, with excess bill credits rolling over from month to month
  • Lock in a fixed energy charge for the length of your term2

Sign up today. Enter your ZIP code to get started.

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Reliant Solar Payback Match Frequently asked questions

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Yes. With our Reliant Solar Payback Match buyback plan, you will receive a bill credit on your electricity bill for all the excess energy your solar energy system delivers to the grid. For the Reliant Solar Payback Match plan, the rate per kWh you are credited for excess energy is the real-time wholesale rate for your Load Zone, with no cap on the amount you can earn.1

The electricity produced by your solar panels first powers your home. But when your panels produce more energy than you need, the remaining energy can be delivered to the grid. For the Reliant Solar Payback Match plan, you’ll receive credits for this excess energy that is delivered to the grid.

  • For each 15-minute interval, the buyback credit amount = (buyback rate in$/kWh) x (excess energy delivered to the grid in kWh during the 15 min. interval). The buyback rate is equal to the ERCOT Load Zone Real-Time Settlement Point Price (RTSPP) in the 15-minute interval for your load zone.
  • If the RTSPP is less than zero for a given 15-minute interval, the credit amount will be zero for that interval.
  • The credit amount for the bill period will be the sum of the credit amounts across all 15-minute intervals in that period.

In the event Reliant receives incomplete interval data from your TDSP, Reliant may estimate your outflow kWh for missing periods based on the monthly meter read reported by the TDSP. When there is a difference in outflow kWh between the  meter read and the  total of the interval data, the difference will be allocated over missing intervals and the estimated outflow kWh will be used to calculate the credit amounts applied to your bill.

No, there are no caps on excess energy credits. Customers enrolled in the Reliant Solar Payback Match product who meet the eligibility requirements will receive credits for all excess energy delivered to the grid.

If the credits exceed the charges on your monthly invoice, the remaining credits will carry forward to the next month.

Yes. The Reliant Solar Payback Match customer’s existing credit balance carries over if they swap to a different plan with Reliant.

If you leave while you have a credit balance, Reliant will send you a refund check for your outstanding credit balance.

Terms, conditions and other restrictions

1The credit per kWh for the extra energy generated by your solar system that you send to the grid will be equal to the real-time wholesale electricity price or Load Zone Real-Time Settlement Price (RTSPP) for the 15-minute interval during which the energy was sent to the grid. It may take up to 3 billing cycles after receiving Permission to Operate (PTO) from your utility to begin receiving credits.

 To receive bill credits, a customer must have a qualifying solar energy system with a rated capacity less than 50 kW at the utility service address and an active interconnection agreement with the utility (or TDSP).  The customer must have a meter installed and configured by their TDSP that measures the inflow and outflow of electricity to and from their home.

Your price may change only to reflect actual changes in TDSP charges, changes to the Electric Reliability Council of Texas or Texas Regional Entity administrative fees charged to loads, or changes resulting from federal, state or local laws or regulatory actions that impose new or modified fees or costs on us that are beyond our control.