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Select from 3 of our most popular plans for your zipcode
2 days free per week
100% solar

Reliant Flextra Credits 24 plan

Get your 2 highest-use days a week FREE + $200 in bonus bill credits for extra savings.

Fixed rate
Price protection

Reliant Secure Advantage 24 plan

Straightfoward plan with a locked-in energy charge.

For renters
Popular in your area

Reliant Apartment 12 plan

Designed exclusively for smaller spaces.

2 Months

Pricing Details

500 kWh
1,000 kWh
2,000 kWh

Early cancellation fee

Plan Features

Pricing Details

500 kWh
1,000 kWh
2,000 kWh

Early cancellation fee

*Average Price per kWh assumes noted usage per month and specific LP&L Delivery Charges (i.e., Residential Service or Residential Distributed Renewable Generation Service). For additional information regarding plan pricing and other terms, please see the Electricity Facts Label, on the Plan Details page. Price shown is for new customers only.
Benefits for multi-family property owners
Benefits for multi-family property owners
Benefits for multi-family property owners

Benefits for multi-family property owners

Benefits for multi-family property owners
Benefits for multi-family property owners

Benefits for multi-family property owners

With Reliant at your side, you’ll have the resources you need to enhance your community, along with ancillary income streams that make your work more rewarding.1


Through a marketing agreement with Reliant, you can earn ancillary income. Plus, you’ll team up with experts who have helped make Reliant a leading brand across Texas.

Continuous service

Even when a resident moves out, the lights stay on. A continuous service agreement (CSA) transfers a resident’s electric service to your property, which makes showing vacants seamless.

Non-continuous service

This kind of agreement (NON-CSA) gives you the flexibility to provide electricity to units upon your request, over an extended time period.

Common area

It’s easy to power your leasing office, pool, laundry facilities and security lights. A common-area agreement (CAA) provides electricity to specified meters for an extended time period.

Ready to partner with Reliant? Contact us 

Ancillary income and employee discounts1

Promotional material and professional support

Community incentives, promotions and competitions

Manage your community’s electricity the easy way with Reliant SimpleSource.SM


Have questions? Need assistance at your property? Email multifamily@reliant.com.
We’re available Monday through Friday, from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Reliant SimpleSourceSM

Efficiently manage your community’s electricity account and budget from a single online interface.

Connect meters today

Priority same-day service is available seven days a week, until 5 p.m. Service can be requested for multiple units at a time, and disconnections are just as simple.2

Monitor vacant units

Save energy and money with technology that provides alerts if any vacant unit exceeds your specified usage threshold — a Reliant exclusive.3

Access usage reports

Online reports, which include rollover transactions and vacancies, notify you of your usage. Plus, these reports are available via web or email.

Manage your bill with a click

Simplify your community’s electricity budgeting with consolidated online billing options, online bill pay and status notifications.

Benefits for your residents. Benefits for you.

When it’s time to sign the lease, tell them about Reliant.

Along with ancillary income1, get the tools you need.

Lights on today
Sign up by 5 p.m. and service starts the same day

Same-day connections
Priority same-day service is available seven days a week, until 5 p.m., for single or multiple units

Reliant app
Account management, alerts and easy bill payment

Customized reporting
Reports on single or multiple properties can be customized to fit different parts of your organization

Split payments
With Reliant QuickPay, roommates can pay from multiple bank accounts or credit cards

Collective billing
All units appear on one bill, vacant-unit and common-area breakouts

woman on phone sitting at desk
Service your way

Get dedicated support, competitive rates and personalized service from Reliant experts who know multifamily. Plus, our reporting can be customized to fit your organization.

To learn more about partnering with Reliant, let us hear from you

*Required fields

Company name is required.
First name is required.
Last name is required.
Phone number is required.
Email is required.
Address is required.
Number of homes is required.
Terms, conditions and other restrictions

1 Ancillary income and employee discounts available through a marketing agreement. Terms and conditions apply. Contact us for details. 

Requests processed after 5 p.m. Central Time will be connected the next business day. Same-day service is offered Monday through Saturday, weather permitting, where an existing remote meter is in place. No connections on holidays. Enrollment and permit requirements must be met before a request can be processed. Additional charges apply. 

3All units must be Smart Meter provisioned to use the Reliant Vacant Unit Monitor.