Reliant Energy community involvement
Reliant Energy community involvement
The Reliant Gives mission is to support causes that are important to our Texas communities. Through this crowdsourced charitable giving program, Reliant employees have the opportunity to nominate organizations they care about. Each nomination period, three organizations are finalized and move forward to the public vote to win a donation up to $100,000.
Since 2016, the Reliant Gives program has donated $460,000 to twelve nonprofits and has impacted nearly 124,000 lives across the state of Texas.
We are proud of our employees' efforts and of the deserving organizations where we invest our time and energy.
Since 2012, Reliant has supported the American Heart Association and conducts an annual campaign to raise money for the cause. Reliant employees also help with a variety of volunteer efforts and implement health awareness initiatives.
Employees volunteer to rehabilitate nature trails, pot vegetation for transport, work in the heritage garden and perform other habitat preservation activities.
Reliant donates new school supplies, and our employees tutor at three different locations near downtown Houston.
Reliant's Choose to Give electricity plans contribute directly to charitable partners working throughout Texas, including the March of Dimes and American Heart Association.
Through the Reliant EcoShareSM program, Reliant customers pay a small, monthly fee to contribute to the purchase of carbon offsets and donate to EarthShare® of Texas.
Reliant sponsors Bay Day, an event offering educational family activities related to environmental issues impacting Galveston Bay. Employees volunteer in the Karma Floating Classroom, at energy efficiency booths, at environmental booths and in other activities during the day. Reliant also celebrates the Galveston Bay Foundation’s Marsh Mania event, where citizens participate in hands-on marsh restoration activities.
Reliant partnered with the Texas Rangers to help construct homes in Dallas-Fort Worth. Dozens of employee volunteers worked together on "Reliant Day" to paint, install siding and complete a number of other building tasks.
Reliant employees help with warehouse management, volunteer coordination and transportation.
Reliant solar experts and Houston Zoo staff converted a fleet of electric carts to emission-free solar power, using a $50,000 joint NRG-Reliant donation.
Since 2002, Reliant and our employees have participated in March of Dimes' largest fundraiser, March for Babies.
Reliant employees make monthly food deliveries to homebound seniors through Interfaith Ministries of Houston.
Reliant employees volunteer, raise funds and train for this two-day bike ride from Houston to Austin.
Reliant teamed with Pappas restaurants to install an electric vehicle charging station at Pappas Bros. Steakhouse on Westheimer Road in Houston so that customers can charge their electric vehicles, courtesy of Pappas Bros., while they dine.
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Scenic Galveston, Inc. is dedicated to habitat conservation within the Galveston Bay area, reconstructing and replanting large tracts of wetlands and coastal prairies. Reliant employees have helped restore intertidal marshland using grass grown at NRG's Cedar Bayou ecocenter.
Each year, Reliant employees plant and mulch trees throughout the Houston area.
Reliant employees help collect and organize food donations for this Houston center dedicated to providing a wide variety of educational, community-building and health-related programs to people of all ages.
Reliant is passionate about working to improve our environment. Our employees actively participate in community programs, support environmental organizations and develop solutions that help create a sustainable future.
Volunteers from the TH Wharton facility in Texas participate in an annual urban tree planting project for the city of Houston's Arbor Day.
Each year, Reliant employees volunteer to rehabilitate nature trails, pot vegetation for transport, work in the heritage garden and perform other habitat preservation activities.
At our WA Parish facility in Texas, NRG provided materials and volunteers to repair a fishing pier in the Brazos Bend State Park.
The ecocenter at our Cedar Bayou station offers education and wetland conservation support in conjunction with the Galveston Bay Estuary Program. We also work closely with the Galveston Bay Foundation to invite area students to monitor the growth of plants and learn basic water chemistry. In 2010, NRG donated 275,000 plants as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act for the Restoring Estuarine Habitat in West Galveston Bay.
At our Big Cajun II facility in Louisiana, we completed a project to remove chlorine gas used in controlling algae in the cooling towers located on site. The 16 one-ton cylinders of gaseous chlorine stored onsite were replaced with a safer salt brine system using electricity to produce bleach. The bleach solution produced is then pumped directly to the cooling towers and water pretreatment areas. Use of the bleach system at the cooling towers has reduced the risks and safety hazards associated with handling and storing large quantities of chlorine gas.
In another innovative partnership, NRG worked with the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service and the National Fish & Wildlife Foundation in 2008 to restore 1,200 acres of bottomland hardwood forest in Brazoria County, Texas. The goal was to restore this critical bottomland hardwood area to enhance the natural biodiversity of the area and help maximize the ecosystem enhancing benefits these bottomland hardwood areas provide.
Reliant's partnership with EarthShare of Texas® began with a 2010 Earth Day promotion featuring our 100% Wind Plan. Based on the number of new 100% Wind customers, Reliant donated $5,000 to EarthShare of Texas®. EarthShare of Texas® supports more than 30 environmental organizations, including Texas Parks and Wildlife Foundation, Bayou Preservation Association and Blackland Prairie Raptor Center. Beginning in 2011, Reliant Renewables® and Reliant EcoShareSM customers joined with us in support of EarthShare of Texas® organizations by making monthly contributions to EarthShare of Texas® as part of their electricity bill payment.
Galveston Bay Foundation’s mission is to preserve, protect and enhance Galveston Bay — one of the world's most productive estuaries. Reliant's relationship with the Galveston Bay Foundation dates back to the founding of the organization more than 15 years ago.
NRG has partnered with the Gulf Coast Bird Observatory in a host of habitat restoration, preservation and education projects for 10 years. The Gulf Coast Bird Observatory is the primary organizer of the nation's most comprehensive and exciting birding contest called "The Great Texas Birding Classic." Through the Great Texas Birding Classic, we have been able to direct more than $140,000 to habitat conservation projects along the Texas coast.
Volunteer NRG and Reliant solar experts and Houston Zoo staff joined forces to convert a fleet of zoo transportation carts from electric to solar power. The conversion program is supported by a $50,000 joint NRG-Reliant donation. This joint effort continues our proud tradition of supporting the communities and the environment where we live and work, and demonstrates the sustainability of solar solutions to Houston Zoo visitors.
NRG now partners with the Ocean Trust, the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, and a host of local partners to restore tidal flow and native vegetation to the Bahia Grande near Brownsville, Texas. Bahia Grande is a 6,500-acre shallow tidal basin that had been cut off from tidal flow for over 70 years. The site is now part of the Laguna Atascosa National Wildlife Refuge. Our focus is to provide native vegetation for replanting efforts and to provide funding for construction of critical connection channels throughout the system.
In a unique partnership with the Conservation Fund and the Texas Parks & Wildlife Department, NRG helped plant a total of 425 acres of native bottomland hardwood trees on the Old Sabine Bottom Wildlife Management Area in Smith County, Texas. The goal of the project is to restore the natural biodiversity of critical wildlife habitat in the area, assist the area with flood control in a large section of the Old Sabine River bottom, and to sequester over 155,000 short tons of carbon over the life of the project. The trees, planted in 2003, are already contributing to each of these goals.
San Jacinto Battleground
At our SR Bertron plant in Texas, NRG donated two work vessels to the San Jacinto Battleground State Historical Site. One of the two boats will support work on the historic Battleship Texas and the other boat will be used by the other 10 parks in the region for resource management activities, water quality testing and invasive species control. Employees also joined together to plant 400 live oak and bald cypress trees in the San Jacinto Battleground State Historical Park.
Scenic Galveston, Inc. is dedicated to habitat conservation within the Galveston Bay area, reconstructing and replanting large tracts of wetlands and coastal prairies. Reliant employees have helped restore intertidal marshland using grass grown at NRG's Cedar Bayou ecocenter.
Since 1982, Trees For Houston has been dedicated to planting, protecting and promoting trees in the Houston urban forest. Reliant employees, friends and family volunteer to help Trees For Houston celebrate Arbor Day each year by planting and mulching trees across our community.
Cedar Bayou saved significant amounts of water when it switched to the use of "gray water" in 2010. Our Sterlington, Bayou Cove and Big Cajun 1 plants modified all the faucets and shower heads in their onsite buildings with low-flow devices, reducing the amount of water used at these locations by approximately 50 percent.
The WA Parish station in Texas worked with a local YMCA to recycle Hurricane Ike storm debris on the YMCA's grounds. The tree debris was chipped and left onsite to be used as mulch. Solar powered accent lighting was installed at various locations around the YMCA and low flow shower heads were installed in the facility's bathrooms.
Strengthening the community is a major focus of Reliant. Through our parent company's program, the NRG Retail Charitable Foundation, we continue to strengthen the community by investing our resources back into the communities in which we do business.
We focus on giving back to the community in five main areas:
The NRG Retail Charitable Foundation invests its resources to strengthen the communities where we do business. If you are part of an organization that is passionate about helping the community, we encourage you to submit a grant request today.